ABC's Speechless &  Low Tech AAC - Lasers Can Be Fast!

ABC's Speechless & Low Tech AAC - Lasers Can Be Fast!

Posted by Margaret Cotts on Sep 28 2016

Using a Laser for Communication Can Be Fast!

The communication board that Micah uses in the video is based on AlphaCore, a core vocabulary board. Core vocabulary words are the most commonly used words in the English language. They make up about 85% of what we say in day to day conversation.

In the video, Micah is telling a joke..."There once was a man from Nantucket..."

There, Was, A & From are all core vocabulary words. Micah only had to point to those words, he didn't have to spell them out.

Some of JJ's communication speed on the show is Hollywood magic. (I know for a fact that the word "Nantucket" is not on that communication board!)

In real life, though, a laser plus a core vocabulary board can be a very fast way for some people to communicate. Check out our videos to see just how fast.