Why No Boards with Picture Symbols?

Why doesn't Low Tech Solutions offer communication boards for people who need picture symbols?

The answer is because people who have complex language needs require highly personalized communication solutions.

To answer this question better, let's meet two people, Janie and Roy:



  • Janie is 6 and has cerebral palsy
  • She is learning to read
  • Janie’s favorite things are horses, playing dress up, and baking with her sister.


  • Roy is 57 years old
  • He had a stroke, which affected his ability to communicate and to spell.
  • Roy is an attorney, and was very active in local politics.
  • He has 2 adult children, and is expecting his first grandchild.
  • Roy is a huge football fan, and roots for his local team.

Janie and Roy have very different communication needs. The things that Janie wants to talk about are very different from the things that Roy wants to talk about. Can you imagine a single low tech communication board that would meet both of their low tech communication needs?

It is important for people who have complex communication needs to work together with a speech language pathologist/AAC Specialist in order to come up with a personalized communication solution.

Note: Mayer-Johnson offers Boardmaker software. Boardmaker is a very powerful way to create personalized communication boards.
